From offering a full design service to bespoke advice, our team have worked on a wide variety of projects both in the UK and internationally, from architecture, interior design and space planning to strategic design advice and concept development. Since we specialise in workplace design, whether our client happens to be a blue chip multinational company or business start-up, we want to make the workplace feel human.
When it comes to any project we work on, the process is just as important as the final outcome; it’s not just about delivering the shiny new office or fancy new modular ergonomic desk system. We really invest in getting inside the heads, tea urns and messy shove-it-all-in-paperclip-drawers of our clients in order to thoroughly understand their needs and what kind of environment would enable them to work better.
We talk to everyone from the managing director to the chap who turns the lights out at night. By putting people at the centre of our process and asking them what they need and want from the space they spend most of their week in, we take into account the company, the culture and the building, and design unique and usable solutions that work for people.
“A good looking office has no meaning if it cannot physically and emotionally support the people who inhabit it. A good office has to interact and support a vast group of workers, each of whom is effectively a client in their own right.”Sevil Peach