Having spent several years as Associate, Project Director and Design Director at YRM Architects, in 1994, we (Sevil Peach Gence FSCD and Gary Turnbull RIBA) left our jobs to set up our own design and architectural studio – SevilPeach.
‘Hold on a minute’, you might be thinking – ‘They had good jobs. They were going places. Why did they leave?’
Well, after much discussion and many nights of talking into the wee hours, we both decided that neither of us wanted to get to the point where we were forced to relinquish the personal, hands-on approach to the way we worked.
We wanted to run a practice that was design driven, not management driven. To stay small whilst thinking big, so that our day-to-day jobs and everything we produced for our clients remained a pleasurable experience for all. We’ve spent the last 30 years building our practice and expanding our team to do just that.
“The best way to describe the experience that SevilPeach create in an office is to say that it is very much like coming home after a long trip, stepping through the front door of your home and knowing that you are where you most want to be – home!”Kevin Sauer, Microsoft